Neurofeedback: a paradigm-shift in how we treat brain disorders?
Neuroscience research has recently shown that cognitive training and meditation are able to induce plastic changes in brain function. But, what if the reverse was also possible: to directly train neural activity in order to alter cognition?
Thanks to novel technologies, humans can learn to self-regulate brain activity using a brain-computer interface, through a so-called "closed feedback loop", which provides instantanous information about the current state of the brain. Neurofeedback typically consists of a computer that records neural oscillations ("brainwaves") with non-invasive electrodes on the scalp, known as an EEG. Brain activity is then processed in real-time and represented visually to the user (i.e. fed-back) on a computer screen, for example through a video game.
Closed-loop brain training: the science of neurofeedback
Neurofeedback tunes scale-free dynamics in spontaneous brain activity
Alpha oscillation neurofeedback modulates amygdala complex connectivity and arousal in posttraumatic stress disorder
Increased alpha-rhythm dynamic range promotes recovery from visuospatial neglect: a neurofeedback study
Mind over chatter: Plastic up-regulation of the fMRI salience network directly after EEG neurofeedback
Tuning pathological brain oscillations with neurofeedback: a systems neuroscience framework
Plastic modulation of PTSD resting-state networks and subjective wellbeing by EEG neurofeedback
Endogenous control of waking brain rhythms induces neuroplasticity in humans
Dynamic changes of ICA-derived EEG functional connectivity in the resting state